2019 FRQ 3 - Calculator
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.lang.Double;
/* In mathematics,
an expression or mathematical expression is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed
according to rules that depend on the context.
In computers,
expression can be hard to calculate with precedence rules and user input errors
to handle computer math we often convert strings into reverse polish notation
to handle errors we perform try / catch or set default conditions to trap errors
public class Calculator {
// Key instance variables
private String expression;
private ArrayList<String> tokens;
private ArrayList<String> reverse_polish;
private Double result = 0.0;
// Helper definition for supported operators
private final Map<String, Integer> OPERATORS = new HashMap<>(); {
// Map<"token", precedence>
OPERATORS.put("RT", 1);
OPERATORS.put("LOG", 1);
OPERATORS.put("MAX", 1);
OPERATORS.put("POW", 2);
OPERATORS.put("^", 2);
OPERATORS.put("*", 3);
OPERATORS.put("/", 3);
OPERATORS.put("%", 3);
OPERATORS.put("+", 4);
OPERATORS.put("-", 4);
// Helper definition for supported operators
private final Map<String, Integer> SEPARATORS = new HashMap<>(); {
// Map<"separator", not_used>
SEPARATORS.put(" ", 0);
SEPARATORS.put("(", 0);
SEPARATORS.put(")", 0);
// Create a 1 argument constructor expecting a mathematical expression
public Calculator(String expression) {
// original input
this.expression = expression;
// parse expression into terms
// place terms into reverse polish notation
// calculate reverse polish notation
// Test if token is an operator
private boolean isOperator(String token) {
// find the token in the hash map
return OPERATORS.containsKey(token);
// Test if token is an separator
private boolean isSeparator(String token) {
// find the token in the hash map
return SEPARATORS.containsKey(token);
// Compare precedence of operators.
private Boolean isPrecedent(String token1, String token2) {
// token 1 is precedent if it is greater than token 2
return (OPERATORS.get(token1) - OPERATORS.get(token2) >= 0) ;
// Term Tokenizer takes original expression and converts it to ArrayList of tokens
private void termTokenizer() {
// contains final list of tokens
this.tokens = new ArrayList<>();
int start = 0; // term split starting index
StringBuilder multiCharTerm = new StringBuilder(); // term holder
for (int i = 0; i < this.expression.length(); i++) {
Character c = this.expression.charAt(i);
if ( isOperator(c.toString() ) || isSeparator(c.toString()) ) {
// 1st check for working term and add if it exists
if (multiCharTerm.length() > 0) {
tokens.add(this.expression.substring(start, i));
// Add operator or parenthesis term to list
if (c != ' ') {
// Get ready for next term
start = i + 1;
multiCharTerm = new StringBuilder();
} else {
// multi character terms: numbers, functions, perhaps non-supported elements
// Add next character to working term
// Add last term
if (multiCharTerm.length() > 0) {
// Takes tokens and converts to Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), this is one where the operator follows its operands.
private void tokensToReversePolishNotation () {
// contains final list of tokens in RPN
this.reverse_polish = new ArrayList<>();
// stack is used to reorder for appropriate grouping and precedence
Stack<String> tokenStack = new Stack<String>();
for (String token : tokens) {
switch (token) {
// If left bracket push token on to stack
case "(":
case ")":
while (tokenStack.peek() != null && !tokenStack.peek().equals("(")) {
reverse_polish.add( tokenStack.pop() );
case "RT":
case "+":
case "-":
case "*":
case "/":
case "%":
case "^":
case "POW":
// While stack
// not empty AND stack top element
// and is an operator
while (tokenStack.size() > 0 && isOperator(tokenStack.peek())) {
if ( isPrecedent(token, tokenStack.peek() )) {
// Push the new operator on the stack
case "pi":
case "PI":
case "Pi":
// recognize pi variable and replace that token with it
case "g":
case "G":
// Added a g value to represent earth's gravitational force
/* For some reason these two functions won't run */
// case "LOG":
// case "MAX":
try {
catch(NumberFormatException e) {
// Resolve variable to 0 in order for the rest of the function to successfully run.
this.expression = "Error with parsing your expression \'" + this.expression + "\'. Please enter valid numbers, operators, or variables and try again.";
// Empty remaining tokens
while (tokenStack.size() > 0) {
// Takes RPN and produces a final result
private void rpnToResult() {
// stack is used to hold operands and each calculation
Stack<Double> calcStack = new Stack<Double>();
// RPN is processed, ultimately calcStack has final result
for (String token : this.reverse_polish) {
// If the token is an operator, calculate
if (isOperator(token)) {
// Pop the top two entries
double a = calcStack.pop();
double b = calcStack.pop();
// Calculate intermediate results
switch (token) {
// b goes first, as it is popped second and must be on the left to make the equation work
case "RT":
// rt is the only exception as the first value is the value of the root being done to the second value
result = Math.pow(a, (1/b));
case "+":
result = b + a;
case "-":
result = b - a;
case "*":
result = b * a;
case "/":
result = b / a;
case "%":
result = b % a;
case "^":
// had to implement POW because the ^ threw an error (likely due to something within the api method)
case "POW":
// Using Math.pow() function because it supports doubles
result = Math.pow(b,a);
/* For some reason these two functions won't run */
// case "MAX":
// result = Math.max(a, b);
// break;
// case "LOG":
// result = Math.log(a) / Math.log(b);
// Pop the two top entries
// Push intermediate result back onto the stack
calcStack.push( result );
// else the token is a number push it onto the stack
else {
// Pop final result and set as final result for expression
this.result = calcStack.pop();
public String calcToString(boolean x) {
if (x) {
System.out.println("Result: " + this.expression + " = " + this.result);
System.out.println("Tokens: " + this.tokens + " , RPN: " + this.reverse_polish);
String output = this.expression + " = " + this.result;
return output;
public String jsonify() {
String json = "{ \"Expression\": \"" + this.expression + "\", \"Tokens\": \"" + this.tokens + "\", \"RPN\": \"" + this.reverse_polish + "\", \"Result\": " + this.result + " }";
return json;
// Testing different outputs
String result = " ";
// Should print 8
Calculator aa = new Calculator("2 * 2 + 4");
result = aa.calcToString(true);
Calculator bb = new Calculator("2 * ( 2 + 4 )");
result = bb.calcToString(true);
// Should print 2.
Calculator cc = new Calculator("( 2 + 4 ) / 3");
result = cc.calcToString(true);
// Should print 14
Calculator dd = new Calculator("10 % 4 * 7");
result = dd.calcToString(true);
// USING EXPONENTS - Should print 28
Calculator ee = new Calculator("3 + 5 ^ 2");
result = ee.calcToString(true);
// USING ROOT FUNCTION - Should print 8
Calculator ff = new Calculator("3 + 2 RT 25");
result = ff.calcToString(true);
Calculator gg = new Calculator("2 RT ( 3 + 6 )");
result = gg.calcToString(true);
// USING pi value - should print pi value
Calculator hh = new Calculator("pi * 1");
result = hh.calcToString(true);
// USING G VALUE - should print 9.8
Calculator ii = new Calculator("g * 1");
result = ii.calcToString(true);
// Calculator jj = new Calculator("MAX 5 7");
// result = jj.calcToString(true);
// Calculator kk = new Calculator("LOG 5 2");
// result = kk.calcToString(true);
// Calculator errorTest = new Calculator("m * 1");
// result = errorTest.calcToString(true);